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Women Leaders in Sports Podcast

Feb 8, 2024

Hello and welcome to the Women Leaders in Sports Podcast... I am your host, Patti Phillips, CEO of Women Leaders in Sports.

Today we are joined by Desiree Reed Francois - Women Leaders board member and University of Missouri’s FIRST female and woman of color Director of Athletics!

We had Desiree on the podcast several years ago, episode 48 actually, and talked through her career journey, her why, and other leadership insights. So, if be sure to check that one out if you haven’t.

This conversation is focused on creating a Championship Culture, which Deisree has done at Mizzou in a very short time.

Everyone wants a “championship culture” but how do you actually build it? Desiree lays out the exact road map for building and sustaining it.

She shares the “secret sauce” on getting buy-in, the importance of measuring everything, and insights on hiring the right people, which she’s done A LOT of in her 3 years with the Tigers.

There are some really great tactical and actionable insights here. So listen in, and remember, We Are Women Leaders.